Author Topic: Earning Experience  (Read 139 times)

Shindlers Fist

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Earning Experience
« on: June 16, 2019, 03:30:07 am »
If you look around the internet you can easily find the equation of how experience is rewarded.  But lets not be that intricate.  Basically you get a base XP, which you see at the end of the match on the ranking tab, and then based on what you do in game bonus XP is awarded, then additional bonuses, flags, camo, first battle modifier is added as well.  In addition credits is figured out in the same way.  Commander XP is based on your base xp awarded, then other bonuses are added although the modifiers are not as much.  Free XP is figured in the same way as Commander XP.

First off, and this is important, its not how many KILLS you have but HOW MUCH DAMAGE YOU DO!! Damage is more important that kills.  The more your damage the higher your XP.

Artillery hits (overpens etc), including secondaries, are not worth a lot but the more the better.  Torpedo hits are worth a lot more.

Citadels are worth a lot of XP.

Fire and Flooding DAMAGE is also worth a lot of XP.
Causing a Fire or a Flood without damage isn't worth a lot of XP but if you happen to cause a lot of them it does add up.  I once caused 10 fires in one game, less than 500 damage, but received a lot of XP.

Capping a control point gives you a lot of XP,  capping alone is obviously worth more than if someone is in the control point with you.  Capping in a normal battlemode, only 2 capture points, is worth more than the multiple capture mode.

Defended flags are a goldmine.  If your out of the cap zone and there is a bot inside any time you hit will not only restart the capture timer but you will be awarded a Defended Flag, its not 100% guaranteed, I don't know how its determined.  But a lot of Defended flags = a lot of XP.

Its hard to track what an Incapacitation actually is, not sure whether it is a damaged or destroyed module, turret, AA, torpedo mount, or steering.  I don't really put my hopes on getting a lot of incapacitations.

Shooting down planes does not give great rewards.

Remember when I said the damage is more important than kills?  That's not entirely true.
A Tier VII Battleship will receive decent XP for getting a KILL on another Tier VII ship.  However, getting a KILL on a tier VIII or IX will give greater rewards.  Conversely by killing a tier VI or V ship your reward will be much lower.

Basically the more you do, more flags you get in battle, the more XP you awarded.

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Re: Earning Experience
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2019, 05:27:19 am »
The damage metric is important but it should be stressed that not all damage is equal and it is related to ship class. If you take 10k of the hit points of a DD it is going to be worth a lot more than 10k of damage on a BB. Essentially the percentage of the ships HP is the important number not the amount of damage, the kill itself is worth a fraction of the total HP of the ship, I've seen 10% and 25% quoted but who knows, WG ain't telling. Moral of the story: no matter what you are driving if you see a DD, kill it! Also remember that if you're in a BB/CA do not worry about AP/HE when shooting at a DD just shoot whatever's in your rifle at the time, switching to HE on the reload. If you hit '1' once before you fire it will automatically switch from AP to HE when you fire, it also will fire all the guns with a single click. AP will damage a DD not as effectively as HE but the time element is important, especially when dealing with bot DD's and their, sometimes, zombie torp launching abilities.


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Re: Earning Experience
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2019, 04:33:36 pm »
This was a very helpful post for me. By paying more attention to the different things you've listed I've been able to improve my scores and ranking in battles. I never realized that getting defended ribbons were worth so much. So, now I am on the look out for any opportunity to get them. Also, I used to hold my fire at times so that I would not be seen. Now I am firing on targets more often so I can get more hits and damage for the battle. I used to do this the most in DD's when I was approaching a BB to torp, I figured it was a waste of my time to try and damage it with the guns and would not fire. Now I spam any ship with DD guns to add to my overall damage total. I have seen an increase in my ranking and score since reading this, so thank you very much.

Efros. Thanks for your input on this. I usually went after the DD's first already because they are the most dangerous ship because of the torps. Knowing what you said about percentage, well that makes them even more of a priority target.

Also, with the AP/HE shell switch. I have had incidents when all my guns were loaded with AP and I hit the '2' button to switch to HE after the next shot, (or vice versa) and when I double tapped to fire a full salvo, only one gun fired. It's rare that this happens, but it has several times. It's very frustrating when it does happen.


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Re: Earning Experience
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2019, 08:18:08 am »
If one gun or more than one fires rather than the full salvo it usually means you have hit fire just a tad early before all guns were either on target or fully reloaded. This is a particular problem on ships with 360 guns, as these will show all on target even if they aren't due to the the way the ship and the guns are oriented. In this situation you should look at the ship diagram in the compass you can see which guns are actually loaded and on target.
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